Inventions and inventors
Croatia is considered the home of many inventions which have transformed human existence, several of which are used in everyday life. Creative Croatian inventors, a century-old tradition of university technical...

Traditional culture
Traditional Croatian culture is characterised by exceptional diversity. Ecological conditions and the influences of the cultures with which the Croats have come into contact through history (Mediterranean, Central European...

Croatian medieval literature, unique in being produced in three languages (Latin, Old Slavonic and the vernacular) and three scripts (Roman, Glagolitic and Cyrillic) developed from the 8th to 16th century in...

Executive power
Predsjednik Republike predstavlja i zastupa Republiku Hrvatsku u zemlji i inozemstvu. Bira se na temelju općega i jednakoga biračkog prava neposrednim izborom na 5 godina. Predsjednik Republike skrbi se za...

Although Croatia has inherited a tradition of sporting competition dating back to Roman times, or medieval knights’ tournaments, the beginnings of organised sport in the country can be traced to the late 19th century, when...

Croatia in brief
Croatia has been present on the contemporary international political stage since its independence from the Yugoslav Federation, i.e. for a little less than three decades, but is one of the oldest European...

Theatre and ballet
The earliest examples of theatrical life in Croatia, as in other Western countries, were liturgical dramas in Latin, and, soon after, in Croatian. However, secular theatre appeared as early as the beginning of the 14th century...

The Adriatic Sea and islands
The Adriatic Sea is the most indented section of the Mediterranean Sea on the continent of Europe. In its present shape, it was formed by the rising of the sea level by 96 metres following the last ice age in the Pleistocene...

Legislative power
U skladu s pravnom tradicijom, hrvatski parlament tradicionalno nosi naziv Sabor. Najstariji sačuvani zapisnik saborskoga zasjedanja potječe iz 1273. Do 16. st. zasjedaju odvojeno Slavonski i Hrvatski sabor, a od...

Nature protection
A large number of protected natural areas and features show that Croatia is a country of exceptional, diverse, and comparatively well-preserved natural beauty, of which some examples, such as the Plitvice Lakes, are...

Yugoslavia and World War II
The unification of the Kingdom of Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia (known from 1929 on as the Kingdom of Yugoslavia) was implemented in opposition to the federal concept advocated by the Croatian elite, and was...