Political organisation
Croatia is a parliamentary democracy and is organised as a unitary republic. The welfare state, freedom, equality, equal rights and the rule of law are among the highest values of the constitutional order. The political system is based on the principle of the division of power into three branches: the legislative, the executive and the judiciary. The Croatian Parliament, or Sabor has a single house and has inherited many centuries of parliamentary tradition; its members are elected for four years. The President of the Republic, who is elected by general, direct election for a period of five years, represents the country abroad, cooperates with the Government in shaping and implementing foreign policy and commands the armed forces. The Government proposes laws and the State Budget, leads foreign and internal policy, and directs and monitors the work of the state administration. Croatia is divided administratively into 20 counties and the City of Zagreb. Alongside the judiciary, the institute of the Ombudsman promotes and protects the legal rights of citizens. There are also Ombudsmen for Children, Gender Equality, and Persons with Disabilities.
Hrvatski je Sabor usvojio Ustav Republike Hrvatske 22. prosinca 1990. Popularno se naziva »božićni Ustav«. Izmjene i dopune Ustava donio je Sabor 1997, 2000, 2001. i 2010. Ustav Republike Hrvatske sastoji se od više...
Politički sustav Hrvatske utemeljen je na načelu diobe vlasti na zakonodavnu, izvršnu i sudbenu vlast. Ustavom je utvrđeno da narod ostvaruje vlast izborom svojih predstavnika i izravnim odlučivanjem...
U skladu s pravnom tradicijom, hrvatski parlament tradicionalno nosi naziv Sabor. Najstariji sačuvani zapisnik saborskoga zasjedanja potječe iz 1273. Do 16. st. zasjedaju odvojeno Slavonski i Hrvatski sabor, a od...
Predsjednik Republike predstavlja i zastupa Republiku Hrvatsku u zemlji i inozemstvu. Bira se na temelju općega i jednakoga biračkog prava neposrednim izborom na 5 godina. Predsjednik Republike skrbi se za...
Judicial power is exercised by the courts, which are autonomous and independent. According to the law, bodies of state authority are obliged to protect the Constitution and laws confirmed by the legal order of the...
The basic units of regional self-government are the counties (županija in Croatian). The present administrative territorial division of the country was introduced in 1997, when the 1992 division was changed.